Tuesday, 15 February 2011

1000 Product Deigns//

I know. Its a book...

but this is a book i desperately want, and it well justifies the £15 price tag, so odds are Amazon will have this in the post to me some time soon. Compiled by Eric Chan it does exactly what it says on the tin. Who needs a thousand words, when you could just use a thousand pictures?
Here's a peek inside...

And a link, just to save you some time

Viva Re brand 2011//

A bit weird this one, but still worth a look...

Generally confusing, this re brand for German TV Channel Viva seems so abstract its brilliant. Directed by Maxim Zhestkov its much better than anything your likely to catch on ITV or BBC 1!
Maxim's Vimeo page is well worth a look too, its packed full of more of his work which is all just as hypnotic as the Viva re brand, this one is called Recursion...

Mitch Dobrowner//

Mitch Dobrowner, a fine art photographer i stumbled across who has produced a series of breathtaking images of storms from across the world. Both his unique style and the dramatic target of his lens make the whole series unmistakable and hard to draw your eye away from!

Double Dish//

Simple. Functional. What more could you want? Another clever solution from Joseph Joseph (not a typo), the "Double Dish" provides a compartment for disposing of waste material when eating/preparing food. For only £15 why not?


Although i am not the biggest fan of art exhibitions, i have to admit this one based around morphing together Lego and graffiti really caught my eye! Especially with the backing of a brand as big as Lego...

Being both unique and innovative, who couldn't draw inspiration from this?

20 Years Of Print//

Astonishing set of infographic images that represent 20 years of New York Times stories. Created by Jer Thorpe, data artist-in-residence at the New York Times they're a unique take on standard news print. They are available in limited edition of 50 for anybody who's interested...


I've heard a lot of breakage in the past, but never been that impressed. However, the video to their remix of "Ain't Nobody" by Clare Maguire has slightly modified timings from the original video and fits the song perfectly. With any luck all their future releases will be as good as this...